Shop Steward Network

Local 698 is seeking to extend the Shop Steward network to ensure that there is at least one representative in each main region of the State. We need YOU! What’s involved? A Shop Steward in Local 698 is the eyes and ears of the local, but they are also communicators. Shop Stewards attend Executive Board meetings to gather information about what is happening with the local for the purpose of bringing information back to their constituent group(s). At E-Board meetings, all Shop Stewards have the floor to raise workplace concerns, bring awareness to ongoing issues, and to help the Board stay in tune with the pulse of the membership. Shop Stewards are an integral part of the communication process during negotiations, AND have the added advantage of hearing first hand information about the ongoings of negotiations.

To become a Shop Steward, you first must attend training. NO worries. There is a virtual training option and the class is only about 3 hours. Local 698 is working with CSEA, Inc. to organize a class for interested members. You can take this class even if you don’t want to be a formal Shop Steward.) Please contact President Liz Moran ( or 1st VP Jim Sullivan ( if you are interested.