Election Day 2018

This week your 1st VP, Jim Sullivan, and I are attending CSEA’s Annual Delegate Meeting. The ADM is where, among other educational workshops, we hear statewide updates regarding overarching issues in the labor movement and how those issues affect us as union members and the work that we perform and our quality of lives.

In one of today’s reports, we received an update of voter turnout specifically pertaining to Dormitory Authority Local 698 members. Of our total membership (399), 83% are registered to vote. However, the percentage of those who exercised this right did not. In 2015 local elections 48% of our registered voters participated. That number increased to 61% in 2017 largely due to the very important issue regarding the Constitutional Convention. An issue that threatened state worker pensions and our rights and protections as union members.

As is typical, Local 698 turnout increased to 89% (of 83% of registered Local 698 voters) for the 2016 Presidential Election. As you can see, there was still a lack of participation in an election that was repainting the political scene as we knew it. Sisters and brothers…. EVERY election is important.

I am not going to ask you to vote for a specific candidate. What I am asking is for you to VOTE. I am hoping that you will take a few minutes to become familiar with the issues in your community, region and at your workplace and understand who BEST can support and influence a positive outcome to current and ongoing legislative issues that will affect you as a union member and a caretaker of your family. Exercising your right to vote, is exercising your voice and your power.

If you are not registered to vote, I have voter registration cards. While it is too late vote in next week’s election, it is never too late to become active.

In Solidarity,

Liz Moran

President, Local 698